Tuesday, September 27, 2011


Just wanted to extend a big thank you to all of you who have left such sweet comments and those of you who have awarded my little ol' blog the Versatile Blogger Award! Stop by and check these sweet ladies out!

Mrs. Geary at Light a Candle

Amanda Plum over at PLUMDOODLES

Kristin at A Teeny Tiny Teacher

Jill at Marvelous Multiagers

Ms. Alley from Ms. Alley's Class

Hillary from Rockin' Teacher Materials

Victoria from The Wise and Witty Teacher

Thanks again ladies!

Keep an eye out for my next two units! I am FINALLY home this weekend {a.k.a. we do not have a cross country meet!!!!!} and can hopefully put the finishing touches on both of these fun little units for you!

Trick or Treat...Writing is Sweet
A pinch of science, a dash of projects, a handful of writings and a WHOLE LOT OF FUN! I love this time of year!

The Land of Chewandswallow {Weather Unit}
We are finishing up weather in the next two weeks. I want to make sure that I have everything included for you! We have had a blast learning about weather in second grade.

I hope that you are all having a great start to another fabulous week! Take a step back this week and remember how blessed you are to work everyday and change the lives of such precious children! Happy Tuesday! :)

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