Sunday, September 11, 2011

Short and Sweet {Writing Process Posters}

I have been totally inspired by the all too adorable "Writer's Eyes" on Pinterest! Check out Mrs. Phippen's blog here for the original! She has other amazing ideas too!

Then, of course, the queen of all things cute...Cara Carroll created her own little version with these sweet big eyed children!

These ideas were just way too cute to pass up. So, as my students really begin to dive deep into the writing process, I just had to create some charts to encourage my little developing writers that will go perfectly along with the all of these writer's eyes ideas! {Whoa...that last part was almost a tongue twister!}  Click on the pictures below to add these to your collection of writing strategies. Don't forget to visit the two blogs above for their great ideas!


Happy Sunday sweet teaching friends! I hope that you all have had time to reflect on all of the many blessings that we are given each day! Proud to be an American!

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