Saturday, December 31, 2011

It's a Celebration!!!! 2012...Here We Come!!!

I know it's a little early...but it's 12:00 somewhere...right?!? So...Happy New Year! I am so excited to see what 2012 brings for me and all of my blogging buddies! I hope that you all have a very blessed New Year! I know that most of us will be out super late tonight, but when you manage to pull yourself out of bed tomorrow, don't forget to stop by and enter into a giveaway that you will not want to miss out on! Wishing you all the best in 2012!

A Cherry Tart

Here is the third recent sketch in the series for the Somerset Freedom Fighters book. This time it is the Bishop of Bath of Wells Cherry Tart. I have painted one of these before, actually two if you court the Bishop, in the Anglican League book and was one of my first illustrations done for 1938 A Very British Civil War. So it was a nice return to doing another one. This time I have made him a middle aged chap ex teacher, choir master or something like that and I think I have got the look right.

Cherry Tart

Friday, December 30, 2011

TPT New Year's Celebration Sale!!!!

Go get your New Year's shopping on and stop on by my little TPT store for all of your teaching needs! Ha! :) Happy New Year! 

Thursday, December 29, 2011



Thank you SO MUCH to everyone who participated! If you are new to my blog, I am so glad that you stopped by! :) If you didn't win...don't worry...I will be back in a few days {January be exact} with one more giveaway before we return to school! Believe won't want to miss out on this giveaway that includes so many of your favorite blogging buddies! See you then!  

I will also be having a little New Year's Celebration Sale until January 1st over at TPT. You can click {HERE} to find all of the units included in this giveaway!!! Happy Shopping!

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Another Sketch is Done

Yes while waiting for a reply another if any changes are required I have done another sketch. This time its the Royalist Catholic forces and they are based on the Carlist during the Spanish Civil War. I like the large cross on the right sleeve which is taken from Newcastle's Regiments in the English Civil War and I thinking of doing the jacket is a light straw or grey colour.

Royalist Catholic Regiment, Somerset, 1938

Last Chance to Enter...

Hi Friends...Today is the last day to enter my big holiday giveaway. I will announce the winner tomorrow morning. Click {HERE} to enter!

Here is What YOU could Win!

Two New Units: 

 And All of the Old School Stuff Too! :)

Good Luck!!!! I'll be back tomorrow to announce our WINNER! :)

BUF Auxiliary

Well Xmas is over and the deadline for the book is drawing near and I still have five illustrations outstanding and a little over five weeks to get them done by, oops, lol. So without a further do I have finished the first of the sketches for these a British Union of Fascists Auxiliary. Mort, his blog is here, the fellow who has written the Somerset Freedom Fighters book for Solway, stated that he wanted a Black and Tan look to him and I have tried to capture that. I have given him the standard BUF uniform and to make him more Black and Tan and less regular BUF Legions I went for the Tam O'Shanty and the cross bandoliers. So here is a picture of the chap.

BUF Auxiliary, 1938

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

A New Year's FREEBIE!

Yes! It is seriously almost that time!  You know...2012! Before we know will be summer least we'll keep telling ourselves that over and over again before SPRING BREAK! :)  

I always get super excited about a new year. It's kinda like a fresh start and I love making new resolutions and goals to work towards in the coming year. This is also a wonderful activity for students as we return to school in the next few weeks.

Every year, my students write about the things that they would like to accomplish in the new year and they really do an amazing job. They always take this little assignment super serious and are so sincere about their goals...even if it is to become a professional football star! Ahhh...I love the heart of a child! After we write about our goals, the students cut their face out of a large photo and we glue a celebration hat on top. {Sorry...I don't have any pictures...I totally wasn't planning on becoming a blogaholic last January!}

I have created a little freebie that includes writing paper and party hats to place on your students' pictures. You can click on the pictures below to download a copy for you and your kiddos!

That's all I have for you today. Don't forget to stop by my new Facebook page! I am off to our first rec league basketball scrimmage. I am helping coach our 6th graders and it has been so much fun. I just wish I could get back on that court for a game! :) Competitive much? Ummm....totally!!!

I hope that you are all continuing to soak up the rest and relaxation of this much needed break! 

Oh Wait...before you leave...I would love for you to enter in my giveaway to win my entire TPT store! Click on the picture below! ;)

Ok...Ok...I am gone! For real! :)

Monday, December 26, 2011

My Christmas Tin

Here lovely wife got me these wonderful figures by Soda Pop and they are lovely. Based on, well I'm not totally sure, but in a anime style, they are beautifully sculpted model but a pain in the back side to put together, to thin for pinning. Still they are now done.

Facebook Official...

I have exciting news...Second Grade Shenanigans is now FACEBOOK OFFICIAL. Click on the link below {or on my sidebar} to follow my little teaching parade over on Facebook! This can also qualify you for one more chance to enter into my little giveaway! So, if you like my page...let me know {RIGHT HERE}! You still have a few days left to enter to win it big! ;)

Find out more about my giveaway by clicking on the picture below!

So, how was your Christmas? I blinked and it's gone! A little sad but what a wonderful day it was! :0) Now...on to bigger and better things...the New Year!

The Finished Indian Elephant Command

Here he is folks the completed Indian Elephant Command from Mutineer Miniatures. It was a dream to put together and lovely to pain. I can also tell you that the father in law liked it and ii is sitting above the fireplace in his living room. Made one slight mistake, he like African not Indian elephants and was one of three elephants he got this year. Here are the pictures.

Saturday, December 24, 2011

A Few of My {Non-School Related} Favorite Things...

Happy Holidays, friends! I just want to say that I am so thankful for all of you. You have all been such a blessing with your sweet comments, emails and ideas. You have all inspired me and challenged me to become a better teacher everyday in the classroom. Y'all are awesome! I hope that you and your family have a very blessed Christmas as we all remember the true reason for the season!

One of my favorite parts of the holiday season is the holiday decor! I have had way too much fun looking at all of your decorations that you have posted out in blog land! So, I decided to join in on all of the fun! :)

                           Here are a few of my {non-school related} favorite things!

Glitter, Ribbon, and Lights
{Oh yes...and burlap bows! Lovin' on me some burlap this season!}

Red and Green
{AND more burlap}
Not really sure how I felt about the sticks with lights {it's the best name I could come up with} BUT I just went with it. It may be growing on me!
Our little tile hanging on our door was painted by a student and her mom! Isn't it awesome?

I LOVE Snowmen

Ahhh...yes...and Pottery Barn

Y'all when I say I love snowmen...I mean I LOVE snowmen!
{Those adorable wine glasses...came from one of my students...with super cool parents! ;0)}

Snow Villages....
Just so darn cute!

And Finally...My most favorite thing of all...

Which I am going to do RIGHT NOW...
AND for the next couple of days...

See you on the 29th to announce my winner!

Happy, Happy Holidays, Friends!
Many, Many Blessings!

I've finished it

Yahoo, I have finished the Indian Elephant just waiting for the PVA glue to dry then photos.

Friday, December 23, 2011

Math Centers and a Sale and a Holiday Giveaway...OH MY!!!!

Winter Wonderland: January Math Centers are ready to go! Head on over to TPT to pick up your copy. Here is a look inside and if you would like to read more about these centers, check it out {HERE}!

The Centers

The Sale

The Giveaway...OH MY!
Click on the picture below for your chance to enter

Merry Christmas Eve...Eve, Friends!

Thursday, December 22, 2011

A Little Bit More Elephant

Yes I have managed to a wee bit more, actually finished the last crew member off and I am rather pleased. I have even started on the canopy just got the highlight and pattern it and then it too is finished. Next I have to fix the crew in place, finish and fix the canopy and then turf the base and it is finished. Should shortly be done and would of been done if not for a bit of food shopping which was murder.

Second Grade Work Work CENTERS!!!!!!

What should I be doing right now?!? Maybe finishing up my holiday shopping or enjoying a nice hot latte BUT I am poor mother! {Bless her heart...she is having a rough time right now with three surgeries in two days!} So instead, I am getting ALL, yes I said ALL of my work done for the first week back at school. I told my mom that I don't know whether to hug her or kill her. She was totally OK with that comment and proceeded to remind me that this is nothing compared to what she put up with during her 26 years {and counting} of raising me! I don't understand that a bit...I was a complete angel! ;)  Anyways...this whole being prepared early thing is SO NOT me. Seriously...I am the BIGGEST procrastinator that you will ever meet when it comes to paper work and things that I do not particularly love! Wait that didn't come out right... I LOVE teaching, just not over the holidays! Better!

So, on today's agenda....2nd Grade Word Work Centers! Y'all...I am SO SUPER PUMPED about finally having the time to create this or BEGIN creating this {I guess this is a hug her moment?!? Ha!} I feel like I have been drawing at straws for my weekly phonics instruction and straws...well...they're gone! I am so excited about having everything in one place, pressing print, and making copies for those sweet kiddos of mine!

It is in the beginning stages, but I am going to be working on mini-units for all of the 28 units that are included in 2nd Grade Word Work. First up...Unit 10. Why not start with unit 1? It's all about meeting them where they are at...and we are currently on Unit that is where I shall begin. Don't worry, I will play catch up and get back to units 1-9.

Here is a little look-see!
This little 37 page mini includes skill posters and seven centers including the words from both the weekly and challenge lists. All centers can be used for whole group, small group, or individualized instruction or center activities. I can't wait to play The Amazing Race and Candy Land: The Game of Plurals when we return!

You can click on the pictures below to take you directly to TPT to pick these up! They are both currently on SALE!!!!

Also...there is still time to enter in my BLOWOUT GIVEAWAY! Click below for details! Thank you to all of you who have already entered to win it big! Happy Holidays!  

Can I get a shout-out for not being a procrastinator this time?!? Whooohooo!! :)

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

You've Got Mail

Hi Friends! I have been trying to work through all of my emails in my spare time. {Ha! For Real? I think spare time is only in a fantasy world!} ;) I want you to know that I truly value each and every one of you and all your comments and questions. HOWEVER...y'all I am being totally serious when I say that my inbox is a HOT MESS! I truly want to reply, so if you have emailed me in...oh...say...the last two months {yikes!} please, please, PUH-LEASE email me again and I will definitely respond. As for me, I am deleting all of my emails in my inbox so that it is not so frightening! {Just a little FYI about voicemail inbox is almost as bad...I am TERRIBLE at returning phone calls and obviously emails! Maybe a new years resolution????} Don't hate me! :) Ha!

On a happy note, I have been working on several new units. On a not so happy note, the reason I have had all of this time is that my poor mom has had three surgeries over the break and I am on call 24/7. What can I say...she is a crazy lady and wanted to get it all over at once so it would be over in a hurry! I can't blame her! So, I have put all of my hospital time to good use. 

I am just about finished with my Winter Wonderland January Math Centers. I wanted to get these posted ASAP so you would have time to get them all together before we return {whoever said teachers get a totally NUTS!}. These centers are super cute and I have added a few new centers for some of you upper elementary peeps!

This little unit will also be included in my GIVEAWAY, so click on the picture below for YOUR CHANCE TO WIN IT BIG!!!!!! 

And for all of the requests...COMING SOON!!!!

Happy Holidays Bloggy Friends!