Saturday, December 3, 2011

My Other Gaming Passion

Over on Orcs in the Webbe Craig is doing his annual Advent Calender. This is mainly for Black Power Fantasy type games but will worth having a look at. For those not familiar with the Advent Calendar each day from the 1st of December through to the 24th Orcs in the Webbe will be bringing you a gift in the form of a new piece of content. This year we have scenarios, mini-games, interviews and more ! So keep coming back to see what's on offer every day. I find it very entertaining and enjoyable. Here is today's offering.

Advent Calendar 2011 - Day Three
During the ill-fated "Forty-five" Rebellion, Jocccian patriots under Bob "Boy" Mc Groggy sought to secure their country's independencefrom the rule of their Orcish Overlords. Re-enact one of the battles with this classic Flintloque scenario updated with notes for use with 3rd Edition.

"Kraggy Tor" by Mike Baumann

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