Sunday, November 13, 2011

Coming Soon....My Road Trip Through Nonfiction

I have had SO many sweet emails and comments about my nonfiction post from several days back. After this crazy week, it feels like I posted that WEEKS ago. Seriously, I keep week! One week! One week! These little cutie pies of mine are CAH-RAZY ready for Thanksgiving break. Thank goodness I have TONS of hands on learning already in the works for this week. Especially for Friday since I am MOST DEFINITELY staying up for the midnight showing of Breaking Dawn on Thursday Night into the wee hours of Friday morning. Come on...I know there are some die-hard Twilight fans out there in teacher world!!!!  However, I WILL NOT be one of "those people" dressing up in costume...just sayin'!

Back to nonfiction! Along with all of those oh too sweet comments, I received lots of emails asking about my little notebook that I created for my kiddos. You know...the "My Road Trip Through Nonfiction" notebook. If you are so lost...scroll down a few posts to see just what I mean. :0) 

Just for all of you, I have been hard at work putting together a little unit. It should be ready by mid-week. Who knows...I may just become super motivated and finish it ALL tonight! Either way, I wanted to let you know that it is in the works! So...stay tuned!

Happy Beautiful Sunday Dear Friends!!!!

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