Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Part Two of the Battle of Houghton on the Hill

Okay a little later than I thought I would be but here is part two. We join the action after lunch, when weird happening well happened. More on this later. The situation is that The Catholic forces of Lord Quenby, Royalists, is holding the village from SFF, Leicester Socialists, who are assaulting the village with the Humberstone Militia, also Leicester Socialists starting there march on the village. In the centre the Duke of Rutland's Own British Union of Fascist Company, Royalists were marching in support of the Catholics, with the Sons of Rorkes Drift, Royalists fighting the Leicester Anglican League helping the Leicester Socialists.

Duke of Rutland's Own BUF, DROBUF, marching toward the village in support of the Catholics.

Lord Jerwood's DROBUF come under fire from Ook's SFF.

Meanwhile in the centre of the village the Morrismen carried on dancing and drinking Rington's Tea, as all hell breaks loose around them.

Lord Jerwood's DROBUF gather and again attack the SFF.

Mrs PK's Morrismen enjoy a lovely cuppa of Rington Tea. Yes this battle had a sponsor, can you guess who? You can buy a pack of this lovely tea from Mrs PK's General Store and a lovely cake from Mrs Ook's new Bakery. If you need to post your letters, parcels and good there is Mrs Smillie's Post Office.

One of there surreal moments as balloons start to fall from the sky leave Smillie asking for an Ice Cream.

The Humberstone Militia march towards the village of Houghton to flush out those Catholics with support from a Croydon Armoured Van.

Those defiant Catholics still holding the village and pouring on murderous fire at both the SFF and the Humbo Militia.

The SFF taking cover and rest from the Catholic firs from the village of Houghton.

Waiting for the 57 bus. Ook Enterprise's Bus Stop and I so want one.

Again the DROBUF march toward the SFF in support of Lord Quenby's Catholic forces.

Still holding the village of Houghton the Catholic forces of Lord Quenby fight off attack after attack from the SFF and the Humbo Militia.

The Humberstone Militia supporting the SFF try to gain a foothold in the village gaining some success.

Ook, the commander of the SFF, smiles with approval as the Humberstone Militia, commanded by Burnin' Coal, cause heavy casualties from the Catholics forces of Monsewer Carpaud.

A rare photo of the PanzerKaput with Ook and Lord of Jerwood for company. Lord knows what is wrong with PanzerKaputs face, its a strange illness.

A sad sight as the SFF after a very hard day fighting start to pull down from the village. But a section still hangs on it there.

As the SFF pull back the Humberstone Militia with their new Colours flying press the attack into the village now supported by the Anglican League. In the meantime the rest of the Anglican League are being hard pressed by the balloon wielding Smillie and his Sons of Rorkes Drift.

Let them eat cake, with Mrs Ook being too poorly to supply the combatants with cake Monsewer Crapaud provided us with this lovely French cake and also Mr and Mrs Burnin' Coal supply lovely traditional shortbread,  yum yum.

Meanwhile the DROBUF are still regrouping behind the cover of the wall, thanks to the fire laid down on them by SFF.

The bane of the SFF, Lord Quenby's Catholic mortar team in a commanding position.

As the last attacks go in to try and take the village of Houghton, the Humbo Militia advance under fire from the Catholics, while in the centre the Sons of Rorkes Drift gain the upper hand over the Polish forces of the Anglican League. But it looks like Lord Quenby forces are holding.

As the Humberstone Militia advances toward Houghton on the Hill it proves to e a village too far and the Socialists retreat back to Leicester.

Now the Duke of Rutland's forces have a foothold on Leicester and during the next few days they bring up its artillery to start its bombardment of the city. Now thats another game.

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