Sunday, December 2, 2012

Introducing Prinz Ruprecht

Here is the next in the leaders of Scotland series for the Armies and Enemies of Scotland for Si at Solway and it is Prinz Reprecht. Prinz Ruprecht is a member of the German aristocracy and was only to glad for the opportunity to leave the increasingly difficult situation in Heer Hitler's Reich for an adventure overseas. He brought with him a small force of Great war comrades and a few mercenaries, a small army forming in the highlands raising the clans and preparing for a confrontation for the Republic. Enter the Jacobites. Prinz Reprecht is wearing a German style Hussar uniform but of no known regiment. Instead he has chosen colours of Scotland and the Royals, blue and purple. He wears a Tam O Shanty with pheasant feathers in it and a red sash of a Royal Prince. Here he is.

Prinz Ruprecht, Jacobite Leader, 1938

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