Sunday, October 6, 2013

A Little Late in the Day Zomtober Entry

I have also decided to join the fun of Zomtober, thank you Clint and Michael for showing me the error of my ways, and here is the first of my entries. It is a Wargames Factories Zombie, before they got better and full of character. I actually like the set but they are hard to paint up to make them look any good as the detail of them is so shallow, but saying that they are nice once done and you can make a number of different individual ones so it is not all bad.

I've have gone for the casual man about town look with the zombie in his fashionable checked shirt and straight trousers who was out of a day showing with the wife and then someone bite him and before you knew it, the wife was lunch and every since he has been looking for a new wife or his next meal. This has been fun and I cannot wait to the next zombie.

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