Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Skittles Probability Freebies

Last week, we spent a few days working on probability in our math unit. My kiddos are heavy into basketball season right now, so we began by shooting a few hoops {in the classroom}. We used a basketball and a hula hoop. The kids decided their position in the classroom, and then the class made statements about the probability of each student making the shot.

Just in case basketball did not get their attention…next up…FOOD! {Food always works in a pinch…especially when it’s candy!} :) I gave each student a bag of skittles. They drew a picture of the skittles inside their bag. Then they wrote four statements using the words certain, impossible, likely, and unlikely to show the probability of drawing a particular color. 

Slide1 {For the Record: I typically do not print student copies in color. This was a total accident, so I ran with it! Shhhh….that’s our secret! }

Here are a few freebies. Click on the pictures below to download.



Enjoy! :)

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