Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Oh So Random!

Getting a classroom ready for a new year is something fierce! Don’t you agree?! Sometimes I feel like every step forward is ten steps backwards. Maybe that has something to do with the fact that the more I look at my classroom, the more I want to change! I hate that I love crafting so much…it gets me into BIG trouble with a little something called TIME! There is just never enough! :)

I don’t know how much I will be posting the next few days, so I wanted to share a few classroom updates!

First, as promised, here is a view of my classroom rules.


By the way…my feet are about 10 shades of neon! My poor friends at the nail salon have their work cut out for them! They will see me first thing Friday morning! :)

I loved how this turned out! My first thought was to frame them much like my positive thoughts wall, but it just wasn’t working! My room was become a little frame happy and it wasn’t growing on me! So, a clothesline was the next bright idea that I had. 



These rules are part of my newest unit Desire to Inspire! You can pick this up at my TPT shop!


Since my feet were already multicolored, I decided to add a little more splatter art to my room! This was a dirty {and I do mean DIR-TY} old lamp sitting around in my room. Poor thing needed some serious work! Nothing a little spray paint, ribbon, and a new lamp shade couldn’t fix! Are you having a total 80’s flashback yet?


Speaking of ribbon…I think I have a slight problem!


This is what I purchased…JUST TODAY! I am convinced a little ribbon can make anything look better!

And finally, while all of my splatter art was drying, I finally got a chance to try out my new Cameo! SO in love!


I made a few banners to hang on my content walls for math, science, and social studies! Loved how they turned out! I am telling you…you NEED a Cameo! It is so super easy to use and can cut any font that you have on your computer! Amazing!

Social Studies



I am pretty positive that my Cameo is not going to help this craft addiction that I’ve got going on!

One more day and I think I can have this room of mine finished! Can’t wait to share all of the fun that I have been having! Also, don’t forget to enter in my giveaway for the Easi-Speak below!

Hope you are having a great week!

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