Wednesday, August 8, 2012

A Blast from the Past

There are a couple of things I do besides illustrating, painting figures and organising wargames and one of them in the local village forum, basically a bunch of busy bodies trying to save the character of the village. Well I am a very lucky man as these were emailed to me and there show the village in the 30s to 50s. Lovely photos they are too and I thought that I would share them with you.

Conversation Club, Not really changed

Heslrige Manor, also not really changed

Main Street, end houses still there but the rest are gone and shop and flats are there

Main Street, only the trees remain and both pubs are gone.

Main Street, you would find a 1950s school on the field now.

Monk's Rest, used to be the Old Vicarage now posh flats with a lovely view of a park .

The Beeches, now a old peoples room waiting to be converted into flats.

The Warren, has not changes at all

Thurmaston Lane, houses all gone and now awaiting development

Tithe Barn, now a Luxury House

Now there is an insight to where I live, lol. Maybe I should have a the battle of Humberstone and create the village of old?

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