Saturday, October 13, 2012

The Finished Article

Yes here is the finished illustration cover for a new book that I cannot of course tell you about, but hopefully it will be out for christmas and I personally think it is something at a lot of Interwar Gamers have been looking for. I have really enjoyed doing this painting and in a way I have really put myself into the it. I love the picture as it sums up the british and the interwar/early war period with that "Dad's Army"  look. The "officer" in the suit has his Great War helmet and Webley service revolver with his Eton College silk cravat and handkerchief in his top pocket. The next chap armed with the standard double barrel shotgun which is very common in Britain before the war especially with gamers and farmers. He is wearing his Sunday "Best" and has his Tottenham Hotspurs footie scarf on. The last fellow is wearing plus fours with his Crossbats cricket jumper and is armed with M1928 Thompson Sub Machine Gun or Tommy Gun, which the British government were buying for the States as they had no SMGs. Here is the painting and I hope you chaps and chapesses like it.

Mystery Book Cover

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