Monday, November 26, 2012

The Mov is Back

For the past 25 days or so or more correctly for the month of Movember I have, along with tens of thousands of other chaps across the world for been growing a Mov in an effort to bring awareness to men's health issues. In fact this year about dozen or more fellas in the office have all bring growing these arranging from the neat upper lip affairs to the styles that have been based on 70s porn film styles, from gingos to streampunk. Well it has been fun and there is even an competition, well it is chaps and what do you except, so lots of personally grooming is the order of the day. Well here is my effort and I am hoping for a prize as the most Victorian looking, lol. So to all you chaps out there who are growing a Mov well done and to the chaps who have gone to the doctors recently a bigger well done.

Scary isnt it?

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