Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Yet more Test photos

Yes here are some more test photo of some figures that I have painted. I think I have started to understand how to take photos with it not and after finding the white balance I have managed to get rid of the problem of my photo being yellow when taken indoors. The next thing to work out is the distance and lighting  but I'm slowly getting there. Here are the latest examples.

First up is Snake sorry I mean Cobra from Hasslefree. A wonderful sculpt by Kev White and is good to see someone escape from New York and then LA.

Next up is Lara Croft sorry I mean Eve again from Hasslefree. This is a lovely sculpt.

Next up is Pantsman okay Mad Dog again but this time with the yellowish look to him.

Lastly are a couple of Mark Copplestone's Future Wars range now sold by eM-4-Miniatures which are lovely to paint and again these were painted some 15 years ago.

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