Saturday, July 13, 2013

Yet Another Book Cover for Solway, Is it getting boring yet?

I hopefully not boring you all with these book covers for the up coming books from Si at Solway. Again its for another Very British Civil War book which I cannot tell you much about but what I can say it is part one of Army Lists for Brigadier 38. There is a wee bit more about this on Solway's website. I am working on the second cover for the lists today and will hopefully get that up either this evening or tomorrow, allowing I stop playing X-Com that it,lol. I have actually gone for a Yeomanry and Militia look this time and the yeomanry uniform is based upon the Bedfordshire Yeomanry and the Militia uniform of the batman as from the Bedfordshire Militia. I rather like them and I am very happy with the results.

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