Monday, September 2, 2013

A Fine Day Out, Hands off my Richard! and More Goings on in Leicestershire.

What a day out with great company I had at Other Partizan last Sunday and a good show. This year saw the Perry Twins themselves put on a Little Wars game which was good, glossy painted 52mm figures real old school and great fun. There were some other great games too like the Raid on Entebbe game, The League of Augsburg and a Blake Seven game with a set that looked better than anything in the TV programme. But this is not a post about how good the show was but I will say it was nice to meet up with some fellow bloggers like Mike at Trouble at T'Mill, nice friendly chap, Neil at Meeples and Miniatures and I am sorry to miss Gray at Happy Valley, next time mate just but in and say Hi and thanks for the shout on your blog, lovely pictures on there.

Anyway back the matter in hand and the Very British Civil War game, Hands Off My Richard!, now I am sure there is a film in that title somewhere, lol. Well in the lovely village of Wymonham near Melton Mowbray some men stop off at the Red Lion for a bit to eat and drink and park there trucks outside of the pub and go in. Now one of the locals having heard about the theft of the Richard III statue from Leicester by some chaps in "northern accents" puts two and two together and calls the number in the report to say that he might of found the statue. The City of Leicester says can you slow them up and he lets all the tyres on the vehicles. In the meantime his wife tells the Local Defence Volunteers and they set road blocks on all the roads out of the village and the telephone operator, who "accidentally" listened in on the call to the council in Leicester reported this to the Duke of Rutland. Now the scene is set.

Now the The Duke of Rutland chaps came rushing down the road from the west to find a road block blocking there way and the Anglican League allies of the City of Leicester from Laude Abbey entering cross county from the east and made their way to a farm on the north side of the village. The Local Defence Volunteers gathered to the north of the village and made their way to the village and the Albertines happily enjoyed their pints of Everade ale until a voice from outside shouted to give themselves up as there are surrounded and went outside, some still with their pints in hand and found that the tyres on the trucks had been let down and started to pump them up and also noticed that one of the transports was missing and went to look for a truck. Now the LDV seeing the Duke BUF had stopped because of the road block when a Bally Hero ran forward and throw a grenade which amazingly landed on the top deck of the BUF bus killed the driver and disabling the vehicle. In the mean time the BUF cleared the road block and one of there Armoured trucks raced into the village and took the crossroads.

The Anglican League took the farm at the north of the village and one section moved to enter the village from the east end of it. Now the Albertines had got their tyres pumped up and realsing that the A! lay to the north had to turn their vehicles around and found a truck, a Hesh's Hosiery Lorry, to transport the rest of the troops off. One of the sections of the LDV got stick into a firefight with the BUF on the road with both sides taking advantage of the walls and hedges about while the other section and command moved towards the village and the Albertines. At this point some Ne'Do Wells came out of the farm and moved towards some cover and the Anglican league shouted "friend or for" and then an eagle eyed one noticed that the flag they were carrying had a BUF symbol on it and they opened fire on them. This unsurprisingly lead to a firefight between the and one of the sections of the Anglican League. These weasels try to get better cover, well better than being in the open and took up position behind a wall and returned fire which took out the LMG team of the Anglican League section but the Anglican League in turn raked the weasels as did the LDV. This lead to the weasels returning fire until it was down to the LMG team and they were too shaken to fire back.

Now the LDV carried on with there firefight with the BUF on the east road with both sides scoring casualties, but BUF coming worst off and the  second second of the LDV when it way into the village and started to engage the BUF Armoured Truck but a quick burst of the the Lewis gun n the truck followed by it reversing into the LDV section saw and end to that. Now the Albertines had got their trucks turned around and started back up the road north towards the A1, but combined fire from the BUF in the centre of the village and the Anglican League section that had now entered the village from the east caused one of the trucks carrying the parts of the statue of Richard III to become disabled. Now the Albertines tried to force their way north but the Anglican League moved a steam truck behind the road block to further block the road forcing the Albertines off the road.

Now the Albertines came under a great amount of fire from all directions but mainly from the Anglican League and the weasels, who even with them at point blank range still could be hit a barn door, firing away and causing no casualties, maybe someone had switched there rounds with blanks and they didn't notice. As there was no way for the Albertines to transport the statue off the road, they just getting bogged down the decided the leave it and beat a firing retreat. This left the Anglican League claiming both he trucks with the statues in as both the BUF and LDV were in no position to argue with them and now the statue has made its way back to Laude Abbey.

Here are the chaps that were involved in the game and for making it such a great day. Cheers chaps.

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