Saturday, May 26, 2012

It’s the End of the Year as We Know It

I am ALL kinds of excited {thanks, Abby} that this week is over! It was way too much fun and filled with every type of celebration imaginable! So much fun that I slept until 12:30 today. Something that I haven’t done since…oh…say…college! However, I didn’t apologize to a single soul because it was so, SO needed! If you can keep up, here is how last week went down! {Warning…there may or may not be 100 pictures in this post!}

Although the end of the year is buzzing with excitement, we are still in full learning mode. We just make it as enjoyable as possible so the kiddos don’t actually think that they are learning! Clemson University traveled to our school to pump our kids up about science. They taught our 5th/6th graders at the beginning of the week, and then the 5th and 6th graders took over the teacher role with the youngsters. In a matter of 2 hours, our kiddos completed 10 different science experiments.

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On Tuesday, it was all about field day…and 12 pies in my face…AND a wrestling match! {Oh My!}

We made cute hats {my end of the year gift for the kiddos}. They look so forward to making their hats, plus they are super cheap! I would say it is a win…win!


I definitely have some athletes on my hands and field day was going so well…

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Until…tug of war! We lost! I pulled a muscle…or two! I was sad, but I had to lead by example for my kiddos! Maybe next year! Ha!


I am pretty sure that they forgot all about getting creamed in tug of war when they creamed me…literally! They have been working so hard to earn their "Oh Snap” reading points. As we celebrated our final nine weeks, I had 12 {Yes….12} earn enough points to put a pie in my face! They got me good…really good! I guess I will do just about anything to get my kiddos excited about reading!


Now this wouldn’t have been so bad if I could have ran straight home to shower! Life would have been grand! Too bad we had our Pups Wrestling Match that very same day and this girl forgot a change of clothes! I will just say that it may be a LONG while before I can enjoy the smell of whipped cream again! 

Speaking of wrestling match, here are a few pictures. My husband started this program at our school to provide some incentive and motivation to get our boys excited about learning and achievement. Each week, they spend 20 minutes in “man talk” and then they split for wrestling practice. It has been such a great way to hold our boys accountable and let me just say…they are all about some wrestling…and really good at it…kinda scary good! :) Here are a few of my boys in action!



Like I said…scary good! I am sure my husband is hoping and praying for these boys to make it to his high school team…ASAP!

Finally, on Thursday night, we had our gigantic academic celebration at school. My second grade team decided to go all out in a Magic Tree House themed display. We made it complete with our friends Jack and Annie, a safari jeep, and real animals {including an alligator and albino snake}. We talked this celebration up all week long and had quite the turn out! Our kiddos were so giddy with excitement! They could hardly wait for 5:00 to arrive.

It’s amazing what can go up…and come down within 24 hours!

Welcome to the Magic Tree House!

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A few of our animal friends…

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Our Dino Dig was a hit!


Our good friends, Jack and Annie!


Takin’ a ride in the safari jeep!


The kiddos awesome work displays! {Tip: refrigerator boxes make crazy amazing displays!}

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Our awesome 2nd grade team!


Oh wait…did I mention my husband got a mohawk at our celebration?!? He lost a competition with our kindergarteners! And as if that wasn’t bad enough…they got to dye it pink for field day! He was all about it! Me…not so much!


And some how in the mix of all of this craziness, we were able to read and respond one last time to our pen pals! Thanks, Amy Lemons for letting us get to know your sweet loves this year!

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What a week! If you are still reading up until now…bless. your. heart! This is what I get for only posting once this week! Now I am off to enjoy this 3 day weekend! Then next week, we will be living the ice cream dream! If you need some activities to get you through the next week, I will be posting this to my shop tomorrow!

We Scream for Ice Cream

Have a great weekend, sweet friends!

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