Thursday, May 17, 2012

Here is the VIP for you

As I have reported earlier I can reveal who the VIP is. Firstly I can report that she has been seen in the village of  Queniborough in Leicestershire and she seems to be meeting various faction heads and leaders. The question that has to be asked is "What is she doing and who is she working for?" I have tried to find out what is going on but the locals and some hired thugs have stopped me from finding out, but I did manage to snap this picture of the VIP and I think you will be surprised to see who she is. Now the question is who is she working for? Is it her father and if that is the case what are these meeting about? Is it her Uncle and if so why? 

A Royal Princess

For Ray you lucky and scary boy.

A Royal Princess but who is she working for?

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