Sunday, August 4, 2013

Back to School FREEBIES & 2013 Morning Song

Hi Friends!!! Are you getting ready for B2S 2013?!? How many more days? Are you on the final countdown? Are you rooms ready? 

I always look forward to the beginning of the year. Although it is stressful, no doubt, it is always fun to meet a bright bunch of new kiddos and start a fresh year together. In celebration of a new year, I have thrown together some fun B2S freebies just for you! Plus, my new morning song is below. All of the freebies below can be found on my Facebook Page under my "Fan Freebies" tab! {If you need directions on how to find the tab, click HERE!}

Back to School Gifts

I always like to have a little treat waiting for my kiddos on the first day. They always get super excited...which is the way that I like to start any year...filled with excitement. Below are two gift ideas. One food not! 

This gift matches one of the writing prompts from my Ultimate Back to School Writing Bundle. {Which is on SALE until tomorrow night!} You can check it out HERE!

You can also check all of these ideas out on my blog right HERE

If you can't have food/sweets at your school, here is another B2S gift idea! 

I used this idea last year and found my kids wearing their "shades" for a week! In fact, some of them kept their shades in their cubbies to wear during recess. They were so proud! I purchased my sunglasses from the Dollar Tree and it was definitely a hit with my students. 

Back to School Management Idea

I saw these mini trash cans at the Dollar Tree on one of my visits {out of 1,000} last week. They were way too cute to pass up, and I knew that I would find a way to put them to use in the classroom. I am *always* trying to think of new management ideas, because let's be honest...a strategy will last for about 3 or 4 weeks {MAX} and then it is time to pull out a different strategy to motivate those kiddos. So, I like to fill my bag with tons and TONS of tricks! Maybe you can add this trick to your bag! You can grab these table numbers {which fit perfectly on the trash cans} on my Facebook Page


This song, along with my other two morning songs, are available on my Facebook Page


I always get a million {and one} questions about whether I can post a video of my kids singing. Well, sadly, I can not. BUT...this year I did decide to make a quick video of ME singing the song! Yes...ME! 


Let's get a few things straight. I am NO Selena Gomez {unless it is during my dreams}...BUT...I am totally okay with that. So let's all just take a second to take our expectations down a few notches...or 100. I think this should show my teacher friends how much I truly love y'all because I have made it a habit to ONLY sing in front of little people. And one more thing, you MUST promise that if you play this little gem in your classroom, you tell your students that it is you singing the song. I refuse to take credit for that is ALL you, my friends! Also, I know that there is a spelling error in the video. It was painful enough to record this once, is what it is! ;) Now, turn the volume down...and enjoy...or at least try to! ;) I promise this will be a lot better when it is filled with the voices of students! 

No need to leave comments about how I am the next Nikki Minaj! I already know! ;) 

Moving on...

If you haven't entered all of these amazing giveaways for our Back to School Bash, click the picture below and start following all of the apples! 

I also have a few things in the works for the beginning of the year! 

Coming Soon: 

Hope y'all have a happy Sunday! Don't work too hard. Your beginning of the year is sure to be as fabulous as you! 

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