Sunday, February 12, 2012

Just Call Me Slacker….{Winner Announced}

Oh my word…this weekend could not have been any more hectic. Between basketball tournaments and wrestling matches, let’s just say that I can not WAIT until March when life slows down just a bit! I was so hoping to have several units ready for you, but unfortunately…life got in the way! Ha! They should be ready some time this week….{no promises…yet}. 

Enough feeling sorry for myself! A big thanks goes to everyone who participated in my 1,000 followers giveaway! And now for the winner!!!!


Congrats Amy! I will be contacting you about your shopping spree!!!!

And if you are looking for a few extra activities to work in with Valentine’s Day on Tuesday {umm…really??? Already???} check out my two units on TPT. You can click on either picture below to check them out!




Have a great week, sweet friends!

P.S. Did anyone see The Vow this weekend??? Reviews???

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