Friday, February 24, 2012

Snookie for President?

Y’all this *may* be the first and LAST time that I ever mention Snookie on my blog, but I just couldn’t resist. This week, my students did a little essay where they explained their platform as they ran for class president. After the writing, we did a cute Pinterest inspired craft. Of course we made a craft…what were you thinking? So, I just have to share my favorite.

I present you with…Snooks for President {I’ll pause for a second as it seems Google has just exploded with searches for “Snookie”} Ha!

Her platform you ask? GTL all day long! {If you are not down with the shore language…GLT stands for gym…tan…laundry! AND…if you are not down with the shore AT ALL…don’t be! Seriously! It will make you wonder who *their* teacher was back in elementary school!} Ha!


Although I am about 90% sure that she did not intentionally recreate herself to resemble Snookie {or at least I am hoping}, I am pretty sure that it made me and my student teacher laugh for a good minute! And… her platform really wasn’t GTL, but that would have been pretty hysterical! Don’t you just LOVE the joy that kids bring into your life?!? Ha! 

Tomorrow I will be running a Super Saturday Sale in my TPT store from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. so go get your shop on! :) I am also hoping to have my Chocolate Fever Unit and Dictionary Skills Unit up by Sunday {see why this is delayed below!} :)

That is all I have for now. I am currently at Myrtle Beach for the SCIRA Reading Conference. Be jealous…be very jealous! Did I mention the beach is right outside my door? Ahhhh! Ok…I’ll stop!

Wish you were here! XOXO from the beach!

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