Tuesday, February 28, 2012

VBCW Big Game at Partizan May 27th

I am organising a game of VBCW for Partizan in May27th, which I hope will build upon last news game.

The plot, as much as there is a need for one is as follows.

A special VIP (Read this as the freebie figure for this Partizan and its a good one) is touring the county on a bit of a public awareness exercise for someone who shall remain nameless for the time being and this special VIP is found out (cue dramatic music).

Now its of the various local and not so local factions bring forth there best, or a least the ones they have closest at the time, to bring this VIP to justice, be friend, seek help.

However, the Duke of Rutland who land everyone is travelling across and through is not happy and will defend his land from all comers, just like last time until ..............

More of this as it develops, together with a map of the area and possible forces.

Does anyone have any idea on which rules to use, as I am keeping this petty generic at the moment.

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