Wednesday, March 7, 2012

99 and 3/4 Percent Guaranteed!!!

Hey Friends,

If you have not celebrated Dr. Seuss in the classroom…it’s not too late! In fact…it is NEVER too late for some good ol’ Dr. Seuss! I have had several emails about my Seuss week resources. I have been working to compile all of my activities into one unit and it is now ready to go for all of you! It includes resources that compliment 6 of my favorite Dr. Seuss stories. You can stop by TPT and snatch a copy if you are interested.  

Here is a look at the 6 projects included:

Slide2  Slide7 Slide12

Slide19  Slide25  98  Percent

Here is a look inside the bundle:


Happy Wednesday, Sweet Friends! :)

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