Wednesday, March 28, 2012

The Completed Essex & Kent Scottish, 1938

Yes I have finished the blighter, yahoo. No more tartan for a while :). Yes here is the finished Canadian Highland, the Essex & Kent Scottish, fighting for the Albertine forces as part of a cadre. Like I said I painted him in the uniform of this regiment, in kilt, the MacGregor tartan, with the greenish khaki colour of the Canadians as opposed to the brownish khaki of the British uniforms. He is in marching order, with backpack, and has 08 Pattern Webbing. He has a purple armband on of the Albertine forces. I have to say I am rather please with him, the pose, the face and the tartan. It now is starting to make me think that I might be good enough to illustrate for the likes of Osprey Publishing or alike. Well here he is and you can decided.

Essex Kent Scottish Regiment, 1938

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