Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Royalist Ensgin, Work in Progress

Here is the latest stage the Royalist Ensign is at. As you can see the actually Ensign is finished but the flag is still waiting to be done. The actually Ensign is dress in his finest of civilian clothing as was the norm but then as Officers and an Ensign is a officer, would actually wear there normal clothing rather than a uniform as there troops did. Before I go any further the actual idea that ECW regiments had a uniform lie those in the later years is a wrong as most worn their day to day clothing or had just a coat or some other thing that identified them as being in the same regiment.  But it this stage in the war, regiments were getting more "uniformed" in dress but it was not uncommon for but the Royalists and Parliamentarians to be dressed in a similar way. As this is from one of the King's regiments that fought at Naseby, can you guess which regiment it will be?

Royalist Ensign
???? Regiment of Foot

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