Wednesday, July 20, 2011

All the Singin' Ladies

Miss Kindergarten is hosting a linky party to share songs in the classroom and boy Ohhhh boy, if this is not a linky party for me I don't know what is! Let me just tell you that I love...and when I say love, I mean LOVE to sing! I swear I have dreams of one day becoming a true pop star...for real! But until then ; ) my classroom can be my stage. Each year I am pretty sure that my students "inherit" this love for singing too because every time we have a new concept they always say..."Do you have a song for that?" So, here is one of our favorites. It is all about subtraction this time set to the tune of "We Will Rock You".  The best part of this song is watching the students try so, SO hard to maintain the beat on their desk! Truly HILARIOUS!! Love it! Click on the picture below to get your singin' and dancin' on! I will definitely be posting more songs later on! Stay tuned and have a fantastic Wednesday!

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