Thursday, July 14, 2011

Welcome to Second Grade Shenanigans

Alright…so here goes nothing! J After months and months AND months of blog stalkin’ and stealin’, I have finally decided to dive on in to this crazy world of insanely talented teachers!  While reading about so many of you fabulous educators and spending hours upon HOURS screeching at my computer screen every time I find one of your amazing FREEBIES, thanks to you, my creative juices are overflowing! If you are like me, or any other human for that matter, at times we meet a dirty little friend named  rut…(ugh how I hate when he comes along). HOWEVER, I am proud and happy to say, YOU pulled me right on out of that crazy mess! I am back in action and am so exciting about this little blogging adventure that I can hardly contain myself. EEEK! I hope that my little ol’ blog has some kind of shenanigan that will help you ignite your fire again or perhaps just save you a little time!   I can’t wait to share lots of exciting activities, lessons, and projects that may just make your teaching life a little easier and hopefully much more FUN!   Buckle your seat belt and get ready for an exciting ride!     

Stay tuned for up and coming posts and hopefully lots of ideas!  I am currently in the process of changing classrooms and grade levels and regardless of how “prepared” or “organized” I claim to be, the move is still proving itself to be a straight up… HOT MESS! No, no, I have NOT pulled my hair out…YET…but I will keep you posted! J As for now, soak up lots of relaxation in preparation for a new year!   See you soon!

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