Wednesday, July 27, 2011

The Triple Threat!!!!! New Unit, GIVEAWAY and FREEBIE

First of all, I just want to say thank you, thank you, THANK YOU to all of my amazing followers! You have all been so sweet welcoming this new little blog into your world! You are all so AWESOME!

Camp Out...Number Style is finished and ready for action! I am so excited about incorporating a "camp" theme during our first few weeks of math. This unit includes basic number and place value concepts, application and practice...PERFECT for whipping those kiddos back into shape at the beginning of the year! :) Here is a little peek at what this unit includes! You can head on over to my TPT store to pick it up!  

One thing that I am a HUGE fan of is differentiation in the classroom! So, most activities include two - three levels of difficulty. You can see an example of how the unit levels work in this little "snapshot" of my math camp out called "Odd and Even Roast."
So, to celebrate my first bloggy unit and the opening of my Teachers Pay Teachers Store, I am hosting a little giveaway. I will be giving two lucky winners their very own copy of Camp Out...Number Style along with my upcoming unit Shiver Me "Time"bers which is a nice little collection of all things time! Time with pirates??? How can you resist?!? That means you will get:

How Can I Win?!?
There are 4 ways to enter and one extra way to earn another camp out FREEBIE!
1) One Entry for Following My Blog
2) One Entry for Following my TPT Store
3) One Entry for Reposting this Giveaway on Your Blog (You will also receive another little camp out freebie when you do this! So, when you comment...leave your email!)
4) One Entry for Adding Me to Your Blog Roll

Please leave a comment for each entry that you complete. The giveaway will end next Wednesday, August 3rd at midnight (for all of you night owls)!  I will announce the winner on Thursday! Good Luck!!!

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