Friday, July 15, 2011

Rock and Roll FREEBIE!

Here is my first FREEBIE for you! You can click HERE to check out my MP3 student number labels. Each year, I assign each student a number. This makes life super easy when trying to keep track of work, tests, papers, and all of the hundreds of other things that we must keep up with from day to day!  A numbering system is also fantastic at the beginning of each year.  I simply leave the cubby numbers, desk numbers, etc. up and these are things that I will not have to redo unless I change my theme or they begin to get that "grungy" look.  I love, love, love my numbering system and it has always been a huge time saver! This year, my classroom theme is "Rock and Roll in Second Grade".  I found these super cute MP3 players on ETSY and they were perfect for labeling each students cubby! ENJOY! How do you keep track of student materials?

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