Sunday, April 22, 2012


Hallelujah…praise the Lord…the south has risen again! Oh…sorry…I got a little carried away! :) I am so excited to say that I am FINALLY finished with iPoetry! I went to a little blogger meet-up (I’ll post details later) with some super fab ladies in Atlanta…so I had a few hours to work while the hubs drove us home!

This is such a fun way to practice poetry and the connection to ipods/phones was a big hit with the kiddos! This unit will be perfect for the end of the year when those sweet little darlings are…SO OVER IT! You know what I mean! :)  Just in case you missed it, here are a few pictures of my students finished projects.

Slide3    Slide4    Slide5

And here is the unit…


You can click on the picture above to check it out at my TPT shop.

Happy, Happy Sunday!!

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