Sunday, April 22, 2012

Introducing Colonel Sebastian Moran, 'The deadliest shot in India'

Yes I have finished Colonel Sebastian Moran, 'The deadliest shot in India' and just have the base to do. I am rather happy with the result, though my camera skill have left me at the moment. I have not painted him in any regimental uniforms but rather in a "sort of" hussar/yeomanry uniform. Though he is a sniper of sorts, there is no camouflage for him, rather believing "What's the use of camouflage for, Old Boy, when you can simple shoot him before he is in range?". You cant angry with that logic? The figure is meant for my VBCW force, Duke of Rutland's Own BUF and therefore baddies, lol, but I think he has more than the Victorian about him and thus cant be used for that time period too.

He is sculpted by the very talented Paul Hicks from his Mutton Chop Miniatures.

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