Friday, April 20, 2012

Another Finished Illustration for the Albertines

Yes I have now completed the Mountain Volunteer Rifleman and I have to say I am very pleased with the look and pose of him. I know I say that about a lot of the ones I do but this one is very nice and even Mrs PK likes him. Actually Mrs PK wants to run away with him, so I now hate him, lol. I had gone for the civilian mountaineer look or ghillie look rather than a military one as I wanted that I know what I am doing up here feel and the sniper rifle, a scoped 303 Lee Enfield rather than a civilian rifle made sense, especially after so many of you said Lee Enfield. The scarf from St Mary's College, University of Lancaster, is to add a bit of colour and also to hint at the fact the chap was a profession before the war broke out and maybe even a amateur hunter.

Cumbrian Volunteer Mountain Rifle

Now I have to find a model figure in 28mm for him, that does not happen that often with me. If anyone has any ideas how to do this please let me know or suitable figures, etc, I would be grateful.

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