Thursday, January 3, 2013


I know... I know, many of you are already back in action, so I will try not to brag that I don't have to go back until Monday. Look on the bright side, you only had to survive a few days before a weekend. I will have to last an ENTIRE week! Oh, help me Lawd! Anyways, if you have not already returned to your home away from home, here are a few 2013 freebies to get you going! 

Last year, we did a little New Year's Resolution writing. Here's how they turned out! Super Easy! 

If you are in need of a new year's activity, you can click right {HERE!}

I also wanted to have a little something to celebrate the new year with my kiddos (last year), and so I made labels to attach to glow sticks...kinda like this...

This year, I really *really* want to do this...

{Source: Living Locurto}

I mean, how cool is that?!? And since I don't have my own children, I thought I could try it out on my school babies! Ha! I am going to give it a try and see how it works before I go all out! 

Either way, I will attach these little tags! 

If you would like to pick these up, click {HERE}. 

And that's all I've got! Ha! I better get on it for next week! Especially since I will be sitting in this stadium on Saturday! 


fans out there? 

Have I mentioned we are #1 in the nation? Okay, okay...I'm done! ;) 

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