Sunday, June 2, 2013

Room Decor and EOY!

Happy, happy Sunday, friends! Well, I have finally made it to my final week of school this year. Please say a little prayer for me this week. It is going to be super hard to say goodbye to my sweet loves that I have had for three years, pack up my classroom, and leave PES! I have spent an amazing six years working with an amazing faculty and staff. Why is moving on so hard?!? 

Okay...before I get myself in the Sunday Blues {for different reasons than usual}, I will move on! :) 

Since I created my Instagram account, where I post tons of pictures of my room, I have received quite a few emails about my room decor. First of all...thank you to those of you that have inquired about my decor and left such sweet comments. I *may* go a little overboard every year, but I just can't help it. I LOVE to decorate. So, I made a few promises that I would put together a little kit {if you will} of some of my favorite things that I use to decorate in my room. It should be ready to go for all of you early birds this weekend. I can't even think decor until I get my current room packed and ready to go! Here is a little preview....

I will also be happy to change the basic set to different patterns/colors, so let me know if you have any suggestions. :) 

And now back to this year! Last week, we were able to complete several more writings from my End-of-Year Writing Bundle to display in our room for parent pancake breakfast on Tuesday. 

3rd Grade Rocks: Reflecting on another great year! 

We finished up our paper bag memory books {complete with a little photo booth action!} I love all of the precious memories that we were able to capture and keep with these little books! Here are a few of the completed pages...

We also worked on our portfolios. We need them to be completely ready for parents on Tuesday. This year I went with pizza boxes. We collaged and mod podged some black and white photos from this year. I am seriously loving them! Our best portfolios yet! I will post more about these when we finish them up this week. 

As if that didn't keep us busy enough, we also wrapped up social studies by planning a trip around our great state. This year, the kiddos studied our state's history. They used their knowledge and some travel guides online and planned a complete trip {making sure to visit each of our 6 regions}. We also have to finish these up this will be a busy one! ;) 

So now I am off to get things ready. This week I ONLY have a step show, pancake breakfast, awards day, celebration on Friday for our move {insert sob}, staff picnics....oh yes...and I have to pack my room. Did I mention that we are also traveling to Atlanta to go to the Ron Clark Academy Musical?!? Hopefully I will be so busy that I won't have time to be sad! 

Hope all of my friends on summer vacay are already enjoying their break. To those of us with a little longer to go...hold on...we know it's always the wildest of rides! 


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