Saturday, June 29, 2013

Show Me Some Lovin'...Blog Lovin!!! {AND a Puppy!}

Alright friends...a moment of truth! Sometimes it is so hard to keep up in this bloggy world. Everything is always changing! Me?!? I am not one for change! Ha! BUT...this change really isn't so scary. I am going to *try* and pretend like I know what I am talking about for a brief second and say that a little bird told me that Google Reader is about to be no more. Now...don't cry...just yet anyways! There are more than enough ways to stay in the loop with all of the shenanigans I've got going on here on my blog! 

Step 1: Blog Lovin'

You may choose to switch over to Blog Lovin' {which I like WAY better than Google Reader...shhhh!!!} and you will still be able to keep up with all of your favorite blogs. They even have a sweet little app for your phone which is what I have been using for months. I am telling you...super, super easy! 

So, if you would still like to follow along with my shenanigans, click on the image below. can click on the tab to the right of my screen. It says..."follow this blog with bloglovin" {imagine that!} :)
Step 2: Facebook

My favorite way to stay current with all of the newest and coolest strategies and ideas on my favorite blogs would have to be through Facebook. I mean, everyone checks their Facebook account once a day {at least}. Some of us may or may not check it no less than 25...don't lie to yourself! :) So, if you are a Facebook lover like me, you can click on the image below to follow me on Facebook and receive the latest updates there! 

Step 3: Instagram 

Love Instagram! If you don't love it will...I promise! I am constantly posting updates on this account, so if you want to be the first to know about something new, this is your go-to place! You can follow my insta account by clicking on the images below. 

Okay...I hope you are not having a mild panic attack right now. BUT, if you are, my way too precious friend, Cara wrote an excellent post to explain everything. She is smart...what can I say?!? Check it out {HERE}

If you are still in a panic...this next little bit of information will make every single thing in the bloggy world perfect...yet again. 

Meet the newest {and cutest} member of The King Family...

Isn't she the cutest?!? I have to say, she is the cutest, sweetest, most loving puppy with a GIANT personality to boot. 

Hope y'all are having a great weekend! Thanks for being the best followers a girl could ask for! Love to all! XOXO!

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