Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Scouts, an idea and WIP

I think thinking how to make, have Scouts in my force and having received a set of Perry's 8th Army, thanks to the chap for giving them to me and I am sorry I forgot you name, I looked at them with the idea of a football/rugby team and then a bit of inspiration dawn on me, a very rare thing that it for me and wonder if these could be turned into scouts. My reasoning with the fact that they looked a little smaller that my Musketeer, Gripping Beast figures, so a had a butchers around looking for heads with scout hats on and it happened that Gripping Beast do heads in Lemon Squeezers hats in they Great War range and I thought head swaps. So I duly ordered some and here is the result of the first one. I was wondering if the head was a little too big, but I think it is not noticeable and actually I think that with the head swap they fit in rather nicely with the rest of my troops. The half painted figure is a Tsuba Miniature that is the same size of Musketeer and Mutton Chops, is for scale and size comparison. Who do you think is it a goer?

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