God isnt it amazing how work can become a real pain in the arse, dont get me wrong I love my job and it is very rewarding as I am actually helping people to have a better standard of living and escaping the poverty trap. but there are time when it all gets to much.
Well I am having one of those times, where treading water would be a step forward and a boss, or bosses, where they look at the big picture and forget that some of us are having a time of it. I know some of you are thinking why dont you talk to your boss, well I have and if fact I got them to write up a plan for them to help sort out the problem, but another thing has come up and I am left at square one again. I could just go off with stress, but I am one of those chaps who comes in even if I am dying with the flu and I dont really want to go down that route.
Actually this is one of the reasons why of late I have not been writing on my blog, illustrating or painting as I feel so knackered when I come home I dont even want to watch TV. Please dont worry either as this is not a cry for help as I know what I have to do and hopefully I will be back to my normal productive self shortly.
So hopefully I will be back to posting comments, posts, illustrating and painting shortly and oh yes organising a big game for Partizan. So for those who have read this thanks, dont worry and all the best. We all have times like this and we all come through them. Rant over.
Have a great day
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