Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Shhhh...It's Their Turn Now

Among all the books published in a given year, some books stand out in their particular area.  They become one of those volumes which should be on every book lover's shelf.  Now, on the last day of National Poetry Month 2013 and on the second day of Screen-Free Week 2013, is the perfect time to highlight a title not previously given focus on this blog.

This title is one of the 2011 Nerdies Book Award winners in the poetry category.  It won the 2012 Cybils Award for Poetry.  Written by Laura Purdie Salas with illustrations by Josee Bisaillon, BookSpeak! Poems About Books (Clarion Books, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, October 2011) is a jaunty journey into the realm of What If.

Calling All Readers
I'll tell you a story.
I'll spin you a rhyme.
I'll spill some ideas---
and we'll travel through time. ...

The introductory stanza from the first poem is a call to the heart of all of us; we crave stories.  It goes on to tell us to leave our television sets and computers, taking time to make friends with a book.

Within the covers of this book twenty-one poems allow volumes to have their say.  Not only do the books themselves speak, but the parts of books want to be given equal time too.  Readers are asked to think about books in ways they may not have considered previously.

Can flocks of blackbirds be words of a story?  If a book is not read, what happens to the words inside the covers?  Do characters feel as if they are imprisoned?

There are books holding secrets; a person's life page by page.  There are well-loved books and perfect books never held by sticky fingers.  There are books not yet written which we deeply desire; a sequel can not come fast enough.

The times late at night when you want to finish a book, fighting sleep but loose the battle are pretty tough on the book whose pages become your pillow.  It's understood but nevertheless stated, books abhor...water.  Readers realize books enjoy vacations just as much as the people themselves (maybe even more).

We get the inside scoop, the absolute truth, from the index.  We are told exactly what to do with a dish that is not a dish.  And we discover the real definition of The End.

 Laura Purdie Salas answers questions readers didn't know they had in a clever, conversational tone of voice.  Different poetic styles, rhyming, free verse and acrostic, create a flow that's fun to follow, moving easily from page to page.  Salas knows which words are right, the exact amount of lines necessary, and where breaks should be placed to send an invitation to the reader, encouraging participation in her lighthearted look at the world of books.  One of my favorite poems is The Middle's Lament: A Poem for Three Voices.  The conversation between The Middle, The Beginning and The End is funny with a capital F.

Readers know with a first look at the jacket and cover of this title, they're in for a rare visual adventure.  Rendered using mixed media, Josee Bisaillon's illustrations are fanciful and fascinating.  On the title page an organ grinder's monkey is riding a tricycle pulling a wagon loaded with books, the side featuring the publisher information.  Above in the trail of a bee's flight the author's and illustrator's names wave across the page.  Dedications are signs pulled through the air by planes.

With a color palette as varied as the poems themselves, patterns and textures, objects, animals (real or imagined) and people doing amazing things, readers find themselves in the completely unique world wrought by the capable hands of Bisaillon.  Inkblots become blackbirds, a book unlocked by a special key, opens, casting a light filled with brilliant butterflies, and rain falls on an umbrella with flowers growing on top.  What we can only dream, she places on the pages for all to see.

Whether read silently or better still, aloud, BookSpeak: Poems About Books written by Laura Purdie Salas with illustrations by Josee Bisaillon, will leave readers marveling and thinking about the endless possibilities found and because of books.  By following the link embedded in Josee Bisaillon's name to her website, you can see more illustrations from this title.  At Laura Purdie Salas' website (linked to her name) she has a reading guide, activity sheets and several videos of her reading poems from this book.

I think it would be great fun to read Lights Out At The Bookstore, the third to the last poem in the book, either before or after this video, a favorite of mine.

Monday, April 29, 2013

Paper Bag Memory Books: Cheap, Fun...Perfect for End of Year

I just recently posted my End of Year Writing Bundle and I have heard the cries people! :) As much as I would love to separate each unit out and sell them individually, life calls and I just can't find the time. :( Sad day, I know! BUT...I did manage to squeak a few minutes out tonight to piece together my end of year Paper Bag Memory Books...which seems to be what you guys are looking for anyways! And a little P.S. Thanks for always being so sweet and complimentary! Y'all really are the best! 

I have to say I love this project too and can't wait to begin them with my kids in a few weeks. I love that they are cheap, easy, and cah-ute! :) Oh...oh...oh...by the way, these are made with the lunch size paper bags. NOT actual grocery bags!! I have received lots of questions about where I found so many bags! I mean, I totally have connections at the local Ingles across the street...but even with that, I don't think they would give me 100+ bags! :) 

Here is a look at the project...{if you missed it the first time}....

And here is peek at the inside...

This is now available in my TPT shop! You can find it by clicking {HERE}

5 more days until state testing....send some much needed prayers my way! Have a great week, my friends!  XOXO :)

A Rare Sight

Infrequently seen, where I've lived and visited, a brief glimpse as they soar by, is what I've come to label, a cause for a pause.  Their color is so brilliant it's hard not to gasp.  For me the sight of a bluebird has always meant there is magic in the air.

When my copy of Bluebird (Schwartz & Wade Books) written and illustrated by Bob Staake arrived, I could hardly open the box fast enough.  I'd been reading about its reception in the children's literature community but had not read any of the reviews or interviews except for one.  I wanted any impressions of this book to be all my own.

As is my practice I looked over the front and back jacket.  Upon removing the jacket I was delighted to see the cover has another illustration, a double page spread of the bluebird looking over the city from above.  An initial glance at the opening and closing endpapers told me they are an essential part of the story.

The unique framing used throughout begins on the verso, dedication and title pages.  They are all a part of the pictorial narrative. As the bluebird flies from left to right, through four frames, alighting in a tree outside a school, we meet the boy.

Watching, the bluebird sees the sadness of the child, head lowered, silent, as others make fun of him; a new school year is beginning.  Leaving the school at day's end, the boy slowly makes his way home but the bluebird follows, weaving in and out of his path.  Before too long the bluebird's persistence makes the boy smile.

As the two make their way through the city streets to the park, each new scenario further defines each of their personalities and the growing relationship.  Due to the bluebird's guidance the sailing pond yields newfound friends.  Leaving their resting place in the sun, they enter another darker, more wooded part of the park.

Within moments the boy is approached by three other boys wanting his sailboat.  When an act done in anger threatens the boy, his bluebird friend intercedes.  The result has the three running and the boy left, tearful, holding the bluebird.  To the boy's bewilderment a colorful array of birds first one at a time, then in groups, approach with their own plan for him as he still holds his bluebird friend. A strikingly beautiful ending, for the shift in color and the ensuing final pages, will have each reader drawing their own conclusions.

This wordless wonder has readers immediately developing an emotional attachment with the boy and the bluebird.  We experience the loneliness, the light, freely given friendship of one then the other, the happiness of discovering other playmates, the fear, the sadness and ultimately the hope.  With each turn of page we are more deeply involved in the events of the day.

For most of the book Bob Staake uses shades of gray and blue with black and white making the burst of rainbow hues at the end more profoundly felt.  To tell you the truth, after the first few pages the palette choice, unique and definitely appealing, shifts slightly back as the reader intently studies the movements and facial expressions of the bluebird and the boy.  Every nuance of  their developing bond is clearly draw; visible with the line of an eye or mouth, the turn of head, the lift of wings or stature.

Each two page spread with different size square and rectangular frames, carefully placed, defines the speed in which the story is revealed. Inside those frames we might see a larger overview or zoom in for a shift in the story's actions or emotions. The layout and design is brilliant.  One of my favorite double page illustrations is after their adventure at the pond.  You have to wonder how long it's been since the boy has been this happy.

At my first reading of this title I was stunned (and tearful).  With each subsequent reading of Bluebird written and illustrated by Bob Staake I continue to be amazed at the power of storytelling in visuals alone.  The layers in this story, the opportunity for discussion, makes it a book to be read and shared...repeatedly.

The first interview of Bob Staake regarding Bluebird I read can be found at Watch. Connect. Read.  Here is an interview titled Hostile Questions at Booklist.   19 Questions with Author and Illustrator Bob Staake can be found at Random Acts of Reading.  Publishers Weekly conducted a Q & A with Bob Staake.  Be sure to follow the link embedded in Bob Staake's name above to read about the process of creating Bluebird.


Sunday, April 28, 2013

WIP The Duck Pond

Over on the Very British Civil Forum we are having a little fun project about doing a small vignette and I have decided to do something a little different, that being I am making a duck pond. Now tell me if you can think of anything more British than a village duck pond? Here are some work on process shots of it. The only problem I have at the moment is how to do the water, I am thinking of watered down PVA, but I am not totally sure on the mix of PVA to water.

Here is the start.

At this stage I have flocked and textiled the base.

Now I have finished the base and it fully painted. My next task before I fill the pond with "water" is to make a duckboard or jetty to project into the pond. So its off to find the balsa and matchsticks to create a small projection into the pond. I still have the grass and moss to add but I figured that I'll do that after I have added the "water" which is scaring the heck out of me in case it goes wrong. Anyway here is the latest stage.

More to come I think once I have worked out how to do the water, any ideas?

Shenanigans on Insta.....

I am linking up with a few of my bloggy buds to share about my new little love...Instagram! First of all, I am a picture freak! Seriously, I love pictures. Plus, I am nosey as all get out and love to see what others are up to. ;) Can I get an amen about the nosey part?!? Tell me I am not alone! I think it is a character trait of all teachers...or women for that matter. ;) 

So, here is the fun part. Every Tuesday, teachers from all over will be posting a fun snapshot from their day in the classroom. Love this idea! 

So if you are a teacher join in on the fun! Plus, you can also check out Second Grade Shenanigans on Instagram and follow me to keep up with my classroom happenings by clicking {HERE} or on the picture below...or you can search secondgradeshenanigans on your phone! :)  

 So, get in on the fun and link up with What the Teacher Wants or Apples and ABC's. And...don't forget to follow me @secondgradeshenanigans.

The Duke of Rutland's Mobile Artillery

Here is the latest device for the Duke of Rutland to help crush the Socialists in the city of Leicester, a mobile artillery piece. Having received aid from Moseley's government for the attack at Houghton on the Hill, (the last Partizan game), the Duke purchased a 3' naval gun to mount on his yacht. But this gun was too big and cause the yacht to be unstable, so the Duke "acquired" a stream truck from the local brewery, Ruddles Brewery, and mounted the gun to this. Now the wagon is being mobilised to be used in the Assault of Leicester, (the nest Partizan game).

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Dig into Learning {A Summer Review}

I have heard a little rumor that many of you are now in the "teens" until school is over! Seriously? #jealous...I just checked my calendar {and counted twice} and we have 30 days left. When I begin to think about the 30 days ahead, I realize just how much I have to do.  Yikes! 

As much as I love end of year festivities and celebrations, they always sneak up on me at a pace that I am not prepared for...ever! If I showed you my calendar right now, you might have a panic attack and/or look at it and laugh because your calendar looks the EXACT. Same. Way! 

SO...there is no time better than the present to get my ducks in a row! Since I have looped with my kids for three years, there are not many tricks that I can pull from my hat. However, I do get the privilege of having a few "repeaters"...one of which is the way that I send the kiddos home completely prepared for summer break! We will be working on this little gems after state testing! 

I always like to send my students home prepared to at least maintain what they’ve worked so hard to learn through the year. This way, there is no room for excuses and maybe I don’t have to dream of the word…dare I say it…regression. Double yikes! I know it’s summertime and they need to have oh so much fun, (and so does their teacher) but 15-20 minutes of review can’t rain on their parade too much! Right? Right!

I have used this summertime review method for several years and have seen excellent results. I love when my kiddos go into the new year filled with confidence and ready to tackle their new skills. 
Here is how it works. I buy each student a sand bucket for their end of the year gift and we spend a day preparing games and materials to stuff it with for the summer months! The student’s participation in the preparation is critical because it gives them ownership and they are super excited to use their games that they’ve worked so hard to create.

Then, I attach our tag and a little parent letter…and there you have it! Off they go! What better way to spend a day than getting your kiddos all prepped and ready for the summer? Seriously...after they have worked so hard, they can hardly wait to get their hands on their games. 

There are many different activities included in this 137 page pack, so pick and choose what you would like for your kiddos to focus on over the break! You can also add your own little goodies to the mix!

If you need to save some much needed time, you can check this pack out at my TPT store.

Now, back to the beginning...if you only have a few days left...enjoy them! If you are like me with 30+ left...get ready for a crazy ride...hang on tight...and enjoy your sweet kiddos for the remainder of the year! 

Twitterville Talk #98

On Monday, April 29, 2013 Screen-Free Week begins continuing until the following Sunday.  Not watching television will be a snap but giving up Facebook and Twitter will not be so easy.  I know too much time is devoted to both, especially Twitter but the connections I've made with people are unbelievable, personally and professionally.  For Screen-Free Week I will not go to Facebook or Twitter except to leave messages about posts on my blog (once on Facebook and three times on Twitter) per day.  I will only be posting book reviews on my blog on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday.  I will continue to check my favorite blogs because there I find some of the best reading. I will not miss the Ivan "hang-out" nor my first blog post on The Nerdy Book Club. This will be the last Twitterville Talk until May 11, 2013.  With all this extra time for reading there might be more giveaways here than usual.  Have a relaxing weekend.  Don't forget to take time for reading.

Last Saturday, author Linda Urban (A Crooked Kind of Perfect, Hound Dog True and The Center of Everything) wrote a post titled My Imaginary Board of Directors.  When she needs to make a decision she tries to imagine how these favorite people would guide her.  It's a great life exercise and would make for a terrific writing project.

Thanks to Linda Urban for this post and her tweet.

For all of us who have read and loved The One and Only Ivan this represents an amazing opportunity.

Mr. Schu moderated a panel at the International Reading Association last Saturday.  Caldecott Award winning illustrators, Marla Frazee, Chris Raschka and David Ezra Stein were on that panel.  This is a link to an abundance of resources on those three outstanding figures in children's literature.

Save this video for Earth Day next year!

I'm beginning to think Mr. Schu has some genetic link to book trailers.  This is this week's latest batch.

This is an amazing video made by Random House that showcases Newbery Award authors chatting.

The Teachers' Choices 2013 reading list has been released. To the first person who can tell me the title of the Tad Hills book on this list, I will send them a copy of that book. Please reply in the comments below or send me a DM on Twitter. (This title has been won.)

In case you missed the April @SharpSchu Book Club or want to read through all the great tweets again the archive is linked here.

Many, many thanks to teacher librarian, 2011 Library Journal Movers & Shakers, 2014 Newbery Award Committee member and blogger at Watch. Connect. Read. , John Schumacher for these tweets.

Teri Lesesne presented at the recent International Reading Association conference in San Antonio, Texas.  Her presentation, Can It Be Done? 100 Books in 100 Minutes has been posted at SlideShare. There are lots of good titles here.
To the first person who can tell me the first title in her nonfiction about animals section, I will send a copy of Leave Your Sleep by Natalie Merchant & Barbara McClintock (CD included).

Don't forget!  #titletalk is this Sunday at 8:00 PM EST  The topic is summer PD and reading plans.  The guest for this month is Teri Lesesne.

Thanks to Donalyn Miller, teacher and author of The Book Whisperer: Awakening the Inner Reader in Every Child, for these tweets.

Read as soon as you can for as long as you can; it's never too late.

Thanks to teacher and blogger at Reading Rocks!, Ryan M. Hanna for this tweet.

As a librarian you have to love a post titled 50 inspiring quotes about libraries and librarians.

Thanks to Lynda Mullaly Hunt, author of One for the Murphys, for this tweet.

Author Kate Messner was also a presenter at the International Reading Association conference this past weekend.  She is graciously sharing her two presentations, Research In Fiction and Reading & Writing Mysteries With Kids on SlideShare.

Many thanks to Kate Messner (Marty McGuire, Capture the Flag, Hide and Seek, Eye of the Storm, Over and Under the Snow) for sharing her work and for these tweets.

Who wouldn't want to go to any one of these libraries? The Most Playful Libraries in the World
To the first person who can tell me the main feature in the first library listed, I will send a copy of The Prince Who Fell From the Sky by John Claude Bemis (futuristic fantasy/science fiction) Please reply in the comments below or DM me a message on Twitter. (This title has been won.)

Thanks to Random House of Canada for this tweet.

Here is an excellent list per author/illustrator, Raina Telgemier, In Which I Recommend Some Graphic Novels
To the first person who can tell me the title of any of her recommended graphic novel titles for ages 8 and up, I will send a paperback copy of The Graveyard Voice by Neil Gaiman, the illustrated UK edition. (This title has been won.)

Thanks to teacher librarian and blogger at The Styling Librarian, Debbie Alvarez, currently working in Hong Kong, for this tweet.

Candlewick Press continues their celebration of We Believe In Picture Books! with this delightful video chat with John and Katherine Paterson.   Thanks for this tweet.

The winners of the Irma Black Award have been announced.

Thanks to the winning author, Michelle Knudsen (Big Mean Mike) for this tweet.
To the first person who can name one of the honor books on this list I will send a copy of Herve Tullet's Press Here.  Leave your answer in the comments below or send me a DM on Twitter. (This title has been won.)

I don't know how many of you are fans of Andrew Lane's Young Sherlock Holmes books, but his new title, Lost Worlds outside this series looks really exciting.

Thanks to Macmillan for this tweet.

Head on over to the Comics Are Great! for the Astronaut Academy Day! prizes.  You could be a winner.

Thanks to Colby Sharp, 4th grade teacher, half of the monthly book club chat #SharpSchu, half of the monthly chat #titletalk, one of the founders/moderators of the Nerdy Book Club and blogger at sharpread for this tweet. 

We lost one of the pillars of the children's literature community this past week, E. L. Konigsburg.  The following tweets are a tribute to the impact her presence made.

Here are some of my favorite quotes and tweets from this week.

A New Model Army Ensgin

Here is the next illustration on the series for the Battle of Naseby book by Charles Singleton for the Naseby Battlefield Project. For more information on the Naseby Battlefield Project please go to this Facebook Page and please like it as it will help with the support for the project to get a visitors centre there. Any this chap is an Ensign for the New Model Army Regiment of Hammond's Regiment of Foot. He is dressed in all his finery, his best civilian clothing, to mark his as a man of class and taste, as is fitting for someone of his status. For protection he is wearing a breastplate and is ready to defend himself and more importantly the colours with his sword.

Ensign from Hammond's Regiment of Foot

Friday, April 26, 2013

Matched Memories

It's impossible to remember a time when I have not been collecting something.  When I was younger it was rocks, seashells, pressed flowers and stamps.  When my niece and nephew were growing up, I collected what they did, comics and Beanie Babies.  (They have since found new homes with students.)  I have a bowl beside my computer filled with Petoskey stones and beach glass from my walks with Xena.

My love of books has always been a part of my life; my collection growing (sometimes daily).  In looking around my home, it seems the collections which I still have are a reflection of who I am and meaningful points on my life line; of what is important to me.  Paul Fleischman's The Matchbox Diary (Candlewick Press) with illustrations by Bagram Ibatoulline is a story of collections and recollections.

"Pick whatever you like the most.  Then I'll tell you its story."

A young girl is meeting and visiting her great-grandfather for the first time.  They are standing in a room with shelves and cases brimming with items he has gathered over the years, antiques, framed pictures, vases, boxes, clocks and books...lots of books.  Her selection, he says, will tell him more about who she is.

She chooses an old cigar box, empty of cigars, but full of matchboxes.  Each box is like a passage in a diary, a record of his life.  Unable to read or write when he was her age, this is how he remembered.

An olive pit inside one recalls his life in Italy.  It reminds him of the olive trees, their home with dirt floors, no heat except for the cooking fire and hunger.  To help with the hunger he would suck on an olive pit given to him by his mother.

A crumpled black and white photograph of his father, the tip of a fountain pen, a piece of macaroni, a bottle cap, a hat pin, a Saint Christopher medal, sunflower seed shells, fish bones, strips of dated newspapers, a tooth, a ticket to a baseball game, a piece of coal, type from an old printing press, each placed inside a box, are silent reminders.  When the box is opened the great-grandfather gives these items life with his voice.  They tell of a long and terrifying sea voyage, the hardships of being an immigrant, of prejudice, and desire...the desire to read and write.

As he grew older his matchbox diary took on a new form.  He looked for items representing the stories of others.  Believing every age, every person, has stories, the gift of one generation is passed to another.  Even when the cover on this book is closed, the tale will continue, person to person to person.

As a reader Paul Fleischman had me hooked after the first two sentences; a story about stories.  Told entirely through the conversations of the child and her great-grandfather, as they open each box, creates an intimacy; the feeling of readers being a part of a shared experience.  Very specific, sensory details, of people and events are attached to each of the items.  The narrative is more than a retelling of the great-grandfather's past experiences though; it's the creation of a new relationship. Here is a sample passage.

"We were headed to Ellis Island, in New York.  Someone told me that men would stick buttonhooks in our eyes there."
"What's a buttonhook?"
"A metal tool for closing up shoes, before there were laces. I had nightmares about the buttonhook men.  Then we had bigger problems. A storm hit us. Maybe a hurricane.  The boat bucked like a horse. ...

The illustrations rendered in acrylic gouache by Bagram Ibatoulline are stunning in their realism. The rich, warm, golden-brown parchment like paper background on the back jacket and cover is replicated not only in the cigar box lid on the front jacket and cover but on all the pages in the book. The opening and closing endpapers are awash in faded, textured denim blue.  Heavy matte-finished pages highlight the artwork, creating a masterful blending of the present with the past.

Whenever the focus of the text is on the great-grandfather and the child, full color visuals (nearly photographic in detail) seem to glow.  In contrast each full page (sometimes crossing the gutter) illustration, also done in intricate detail, reminiscent of the events represented by the item, is done solely in the brown tones of an old-style photograph.  Each time a matchbox is opened to reveal the object inside, the perspective shifts presenting it and the contents in actual size.

 My favorite illustration is of the great-grandfather as a boy when he, his four older sisters and mother are reunited with their father in America.  They are shown in a group hugging one another against the background of a dock with a boat and building. The manner in which the emotions are captured makes this portrayal incredibly moving.

The Matchbox Diary written by Paul Fleischman with illustrations by Bagram Ibatoulline is a treasure on numerous levels; stories within a story, a gallery of exquisite visuals, and having value with nearly any age group.  Every time this title is read, the reader will notice something new.  It is unmatched in its unique presentation of the immigration experience and a young boy's need to learn to read and write.

The link embedded in Paul Fleischman's name takes you to his website where he reveals how he came to write this book.  This link take you to one of the two-page spreads in the title. Candlewick Press provides a three-page teacher's guide at this link.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

What Did He Say?

It happened on Monday night.  Stepping out the door for the final stroll around the yard with Xena, their music filled the night air.  The spring peepers were peeping.  The symphony announcing spring has started.  As soon as you get too close the cheerful tunes pause until you move away.  Neither they or their amphibious cousins stay visible but prefer the security of being under water.

It's a rarity, a treasured moment, when a frog does stay poised on a log, rock or lily pad.  You might even say it's surprising when this happens.  But not as surprising as Ribbit! (Alfred A. Knopf) written by Rodrigo Folgueira with illustrations by Poly Bernatene.

Once upon a time, there was a pond that was home to a family of frogs.

Well, they thought it was their home until one morning they make a shocking discovery.  Smack dab in the middle of the pond, sitting on a rock, is a pig.  You never heard so much muted croaking conversation and speculation among this crew until now, wondering why this little pink porker is where he shouldn't be.

Even more astounding is the pig's reply when asked by the fearless frog leader how they can help him.


The chatter begins anew and he replies with the same resounding word. News of this unusual visitor spreads faster than a lightning strike through the forest.  Each animal, raccoon, weasel, turtle, duck, parrot, joins in the verbal exchange until even the pig's single word exclamations can hardly be heard above the din.  The frogs are getting madder and the animals are laughing louder.  Finally the elder shouts for their attention.

His suggestion fills them with fear but no other choice presents itself; a visit to the wise old beetle must be made.  Left all alone the little pig's ribbit takes on a different tone.  It's not easy with everyone speaking at once but in the end the wise old beetle suggest a return to the pond.  He needs to see this with his own eyes.

But what he and the other animals see upon their return is not what anyone expects.  What the wise old beetle suggests as he leaves never entered their minds.  They collectively glance upward, determined to correct their mistake.  Is that a "Tweet!"?

Rodrigo Folgueira has crafted the best kind of story alternating between an unseen narrator's voice and dialogue between the frogs, forest animals and the little pink pig.  He manages to convey with a few sentences the exact emotional tone and dilemma of all involved.  It is because of the conversations readers are well aware of the inherent humor; it's not everyday one sees a pig sitting in the middle of a pond saying "Ribbit!" Here is one example of the conversation around the pond that memorable morning.

"This new relative of yours is a little pink!" said the raccoon.
"He's no relation of ours!" declared the frogs.

It's a given when a bright pink pig is calmly sitting on a rock in a pond, eyes closed, uttering "Ribbit!", surrounded by aghast and disgruntled frogs, readers are going to be attracted to the title.  Solid color opening and closing endpapers are the same eye-catching hue as the misplaced porcine visitor.  With the exception of three opposing pages all of the illustrations within the book span two pages.

The background for each of the visuals is textured and layered in warm cremes, greens, blues, browns and pinks but readers are well aware of the passage of time because of the colors on the final three pages; an extraordinary sunset is closing the day.  With minimal use of lines Poly Bernatene captures the humor in the situation; the lifted eyebrows, the googly-eyed frogs, the frowning mouths, the perplexed and laughing forest animals and the intent of the little pink pig.  The shape of each animal's body, especially their faces, is full of charm and personality with a plus.

Having searched again and again online for information about Bernatene's technique and medium used in his illustrations and finding nothing, I decided to send him an email.  My Spanish is a little rusty since college (both he and Folgueira are Argentinian) but to my delight I received a response.  He says he does most of the original work, the textures by hand, then "applies" them in the computer using Photoshop.  He goes on to say the process for this project was very special as he and Rodrigo have been friends for twenty years.  It was and is very personal to them.  He continues by saying

It was almost 3 years of work between coming and going, with several changes in the development to reach to the best way to tell the story through with lot of care to keep balance within words and illustrations.

The first time I read Ribbit! with words by Rodrigo Folgueira, illustrated by Poly Bernatene, standing in my local indie bookstore, McLean & Eakin, I burst out laughing.  Without a doubt this collaboration between these two longtime friends is a magical, laughter-filled tale of the lengths taken by a friendship-seeking pig.  This is one story that must be read aloud.  It's a winner all the way.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Simply The Simplest--Saving The Web

Each week new services appear to make curating and saving the content on the Internet more efficient, pleasing to view, and simple to manage. Toward the end of last month, Heather Moorefield-Lang, Education and Applied Social Sciences Librarian at Virginia Tech and former chair of the American Association of School Librarians Best Websites for Teaching and Learning committee mentioned a new web 2.0 app on Twitter that is a bit different from other similar applications such as Symbaloo, Bundlenut, WebList and Urlist.  Dragdis (dragdis) proclaims to be the simplest way to collect the web.

Still in private beta, you need to enter in your email address at the main site to receive an invitation prior to use.  My request was answered within twenty-four hours via email with a link to register.  To register provide an email address and password.

When registration is complete, a new window appears on your screen asking you to install the browser extension (Chrome, Firefox or Safari) to allow the drag and drop method for collecting web content. (It will show up as a tiny icon at the end of your URL line at the browser top.) When the extension has been added another window automatically pops up offering a short tutorial on using dragdis.  All you have to do is drag an item to the right of your screen; a menu slides out with options.

Initially at the top are three pre-named folders in which to place items.  The other three items give you a chance to practice moving and manipulating them from position to position by dragging.  I moved all of these to the trash at the bottom of the column adding my own.  If you make a mistake in naming a folder, open the folder, click again and edit.

Items remain in the trash until you empty it.  All you have to do is select Trash.  Your items there will appear on your dashboard and the word Trash changes to Empty Trash.

I began by going to author/illustrator Matthew Cordell's website.  To save a website move your mouse to the tiny notebook paper like icon preceding the name of the website. Click and drag it to the right.

When you move that icon to the right of your screen the toolbar listing all your folders becomes visible. When you add it to a folder, the words Click to tag or share pop up. Click on those to bring up another work space.  Here the site is named, you have the opportunity to add tags and notes (1), your item is assigned a unique URL (2) and you can share it via Facebook, Twitter or Google + (3)

To add a video from YouTube or Vimeo mouse over the video screen.  The small blue dragdis icon can now be seen in the upper left-hand corner.  Simply drag the symbol to the right.

When you do this, again the toolbar listing your folders will appear.  Once the item is added to a folder you can assign tags, write notes or share.  The adding of images is as simple as clicking on it and dragging it to the right.

If you wish to just save a portion of text from a site, highlight it, click and drag it to the right also.  Every time an item is included in your dragdis it becomes part of the screen at your home space.  If you want to locate a specific item, type the keywords into the search box above the folders and double click.  Then only those items will appear on the home space screen until you click on home again.

By clicking on the down arrow next to your email address, you can access a list of functions.
 The first takes you to the three browser extensions for downloading and the second is to change your password.  The about section explains the application, the terms of service, the privacy policy and how to contact the developers.  Users must be 13 years or older to use this site, no exceptions.

If you should have any questions or comments the feedback form is a good option.  When I used this I received a courteous reply within a few hours.

To view items you have saved, select them from an opened folder.  Videos can be viewed in your dragdis.  Websites are hyperlinked in your item. Click on the title to go directly to the saved page.  (You can choose the Source to go to the website, too.) Of course, images and text can be viewed from the dashboard within dragdis. To exit this screen click above the box.

Dragdis truly is the simplest means of saving web content. With a single step items are placed in folders for instant recall.  If you don't have a folder designated for your item, create a folder with a simple mouse click. This is an application I will be using on a daily basis.  (When you receive an invitation you too have the choice to issue an invite to five other people.)