Friday, June 1, 2012

New Very British Civil War Forum

One reason why I have not bring of the blogsphere for this pass week, besides trying to retrieve data my dead external hard drive is because of this new forum for VBCW and the Interwar period. I have been helping out a friend by acting as a moderator for this, yes I have the power, just like He-Man, me happy. We have been very busy with it and it is by ways to replace the wonderful Gentlemens Wargames Parlour but rather too help and stand along the side of it.

The forum that I am talking about it The Very British Civil Forum and as I have stated before it is mainly for VBCW and the Interwar period. It is still developing and it has been great fun to be a part of it. I personally hope that it was be a premier forum for the period that has very strong links with the GWP3 forum. So if you like come and pop over and see what you think.

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